Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage Consumer Software (CS) Master Song List
This list is not affiliated with Konami or any DDR/DS properties. It is purely for reference as these games get harder to find.
This list is only showing games I personally own, therefore it is not a complete list at this stage as I am still aquiring games I'm missing.

Showing all songs whose artist is Ella that are featured in all Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage CS games.
Total Song Count: 1

Note: Many artists who produced songs for DDR/DS are credited as different artist in-game. This view is showing the actual artists name above and in the list below it shows the credited artist next to each song. This way, we've grouped each single artists songs together in one whole list rather than have many lists that aren't connected. If you click on the artists name in this list, it will bring up the songs credited to the displayed artists name.

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Dancing in the Street / Matha and the Vandellas
[X] [^]
Selected Song: Dancing in the Street / Matha and the Vandellas
BPM: Length: ?:??

Appears in 4 mixes.
First appeared in DanceDanceRevolution (NTSC-U/C Wii).

Quick Jump: NTSC-J (0) | PAL (2) | NTSC-U/C (2) | Worldwide (0)

WorldWide Games [2] [^]