DDR/DS CS Master Song List
Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage Consumer Software (CS) Master Song List
This list is not affiliated with Konami or any DDR/DS properties. It is purely for reference as these games get harder to find.
This list is only showing games I personally own, therefore it is not a complete list at this stage as I am still aquiring games I'm missing.

Region Exclusives:
There are a number of songs that only appear in one region's games, if you click a region below, you can see the songs that only appear in that region. This will alter over time as we finalise our collection.

Show All [1840]
Region Exclusive Songs: NTSC-J [382] | PAL [149] | NTSC-U/C [230] | Worldwide [1]
All Songs From Region: NTSC-J [1122] | PAL [969] | NTSC-U/C [1260] | Worldwide [75]

Total Song Count: 1840 from 90 games.

Showing all songs whose artist is displayed as Leon Jessel that are featured in all Dance Dance Revolution/Dancing Stage CS games.
Total Song Count: 1

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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Currently showing: All songs.

Quick Jump: NTSC-J (38) | PAL (24) | NTSC-U/C (26) | Worldwide (2)

WorldWide Games [2] [^]